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26 near a car wash, according to court papers. ‘Domer, who friends said was gay, was last seen Oct. Darrell Lynn Madden, 37, a popular performer in 1990s gay porn videos under the name Billy Houston (pictured), was charged on Wednesday with the October slaying of Steven Domer, 62. ‘Oklahoma City, November 29, 2007: An alleged white supremacist and former gay porn star has been charged with murdering a gay man in what officials say may have been part of a gang initiation. Kennedy had been pronounced dead thirty years before.’. In a strange coincidence, Lance, whose real name was John Kennedy, was pronounced dead in the same hospital room and on the same day that President John F.

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November 22, 1993: ‘Porn superstar Christopher Lance ( The Young and the Hung, Inch By Inch, Passion of the Crack, Screamin’ for Semen, Eat a Dick Til You Hiccup, a.o.) was stabbed to death in Dallas, Texas by an unknown assailant during what was described by witnesses as a lover’s quarrel.

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